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Something which comes up surprisingly often is the whole question of: can composite cladding be painted or treated? We explain here…

Here at NeoTimber® we are asked a number of questions about the durability, versatility and the various styles and designs of our cladding products. We also get asked some pretty strange questions from time to time, but not being ones to shy away from the awkward and the unusual queries we’re seeking to address these as best we can, too.

can composite cladding be painted?

Something which comes up surprisingly often is the whole question of treating your composite cladding. If you’re old school and have been used to treating your fencing, decking or cladding every year it may well seem like almost negligence to not treat your composite cladding every now and again, but this just brings us back to the same perplexing question, why ever would you want to?

can composite cladding be painted?

Painting Composite For Aesthetic Purposes

After a few years, you may decide that the cladding colour you chose is looking a little dated and so may feel that a fresh coat of paint or stain would smarten up your exterior. Whilst this is true, on face value, paints and stains are simply not designed for application onto composite materials. Bearing in mind that composite is 30% plastic, it would be a bit like painting a plastic lemonade bottle. Whilst coverage would be good, it will only lay on the surface and may struggle to adhere to the material.

How Paints & Stains Work

Painting a surface involves covering it in a thick pigment using binders and solvents. These act together to allow the thick pigments to be spread evenly as a liquid and the solvents enable the paint to dry to a hard finish. Paint sits on the top of the material and is generally used to protect or enhance the look of a product or surface. Stains however actively seep into the material to change the colour of the wood itself.

can composite cladding be painted?
can composite cladding be painted?

Composite-Specific Cleaners & Revivers May Do The Trick

While painting your composite cladding products may not necessarily be the best idea, there are composite-specific cleaners and revivers that can be used. These are water-based products that work with either our entire range or select products within our range. Our composite cleaning product, Owatrol Compo-Clean, can be used to effectively clean our all three ranges of our composite cladding. Our composite reviver, Owatrol Compo-Care, works well on our Classic range (our traditional composite material) to protect and refresh the colour of the material.

The Longevity Of Composite Cladding

Because composite cladding is interwoven threads of plastic polymer and wood fibres it is designed to last and last. It resists cold and heat, expanding and contracting naturally with changing conditions. It is not prone to warping, cracking or rotting as it also resists moisture absorption. Traditional boards will experience a slight degree of weathering in the first few months but will settle to a steady tone once this process has completed but will not experience fade in the same way that timber does, with no bleaching due to UV exposure, this is due to the UV inhibitors present in the material itself. Our capped composite cladding products offer superior stain and fade resistance and will not alter in colour throughout their lifetime.

can composite cladding be painted?

Choose Wisely

Composite cladding stands the test of time. It withstands the elements, does not fade, warp or rot. So, to ensure you never feel the need to paint or change it you should ensure that you choose your product carefully. Grey cladding is very fashionable currently but may look outdated in ten years’ time. NeoTimber’s composite cladding range is guaranteed for 25 years to residential customers so choose a cladding colour in keeping with your surroundings, which adds character to your home and which you can live with for a long time.

can composite cladding be painted?

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