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We weigh up the options, and explain why NeoTimber® composite wall cladding is the logical alternative to timber.

Whether you bought the house pre-cladded, or added the timber cladding yourself, it has no doubt become a part of the character of your home. So, to replace your rotten timbers with anything other than cladding would probably seem a travesty.

composite wall cladding

That said, timber is a very labour-intensive material, requiring regular treatment, painting, sanding and staining. It may be that you are getting on in years and accessing and maintaining your cladding is not as easy as it once was. Composite wall cladding is the logical alternative to timber, providing all the lasting natural beauty of timber without anywhere near as much elbow grease.

composite wall cladding

Why Composite Wall Cladding Is Better Than Timber

Natural, untreated timber is a beautiful material. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for using as a building material for cladding because as soon as it is felled, a tree starts to die, unless coated in some form of preservative. The resulting effect is that of something which looks nothing like timber. But wood covered in paint, varnish, resin or creosote. Composite wall cladding however, looks like wood. It could be argued that composite wall cladding looks more like wood than wood because by the time you’ve daubed it in paint, your cladding doesn’t look much like wood anyway.

Composite Wall Cladding Is Water Resistant

Unlike timber, composite wall cladding is designed to actively repel and resist moisture absorption. Composite wall cladding is made from a combination of timber fibres and recycled plastic. The plastic polymers coat the timber fibres protecting them against the warping and rotting inherent with timber. Available with the composite wall cladding are a whole host of fixing solutions, including composite joists. These are hollow but strong and can be used in place of timber battens to give you a sturdy subframe onto which you can attach your composite wall cladding.

composite wall cladding
composite wall cladding

Capped Composite Wall Cladding Is Fade Resistant

No matter how often you paint, varnish or treat your timber cladding, it will eventually fade. Exposure to ultraviolet light causes the pigments in paint to fade over time, bleaching the timbers. There’s a certain rustic charm about bleached wood, especially in coastal towns. However, that salt spray, driftwood look quickly warps, and rots. Composite wall cladding doesn’t fade. However, traditional composite cladding is designed to ‘weather down’ to a more natural look for the first six months or so before settling at a set tone. Capped composite cladding is designed to not fade at all. Covered in a plastic polymer shell, the UV inhibitors prevent all UV light from penetrating and enable the cladding to retain its brilliant sheen for the lifetime of the product.

Composite Wall Cladding Is Guaranteed

Install timber cladding and you are guaranteed only one thing. Permanent maintenance. Repainting is quite therapeutic but when you eventually need to sand back your timber to start over, it’s not as easy sanding cladding as decking. Standing on a ladder while rubbing away with a sanding block to get into all of those grooves is too much like hard work. Composite wall cladding never needs sanding, ever. No sanding, no painting, no treating or varnishing. Give it a little TLC every spring and autumn just to spruce it up and it is guaranteed for 25 years. Yes, that’s right, 25 years! So, if you’re just settling into your new home with a new-born, that child will have left university by the time you have to start thinking about replacing your cladding! One less thing to worry about!

composite wall cladding

When you weigh up the options, composite wall cladding is the logical alternative to timber for looks, performance and longevity. Order your free sample pack today and see the NeoTimber® difference!

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