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A NeoTimber® guide on decking plant ideas and how best to incorporate plants on decking.

Your decking is a transition between your indoor and outdoor space. One of the best ways to ease this transition is to include plants on your decking, helping it to blend seamlessly into your garden. Designed effectively, planting and decking can work perfectly in tandem.

Considerations such as colour choices, what decking to use, and planting ideas can spectacularly transform your garden into a calm, tranquil space. In this article, we outline some interesting decking plant ideas to create a colourful theme that utilises your decking, making a modern, contemporary outdoor area that you can make the most of this summer.

plants on decking
decking plant ideas

How Can You Incorporate Plants Into Your Deck Design?

There are many decking plant ideas you can incorporate into your deck and garden design. Adding raised planters on top of your decking is a great method to make your decking look teaming with plant life. You can even make planters from either our decking or cladding materials to blend more effectively with your overall deck. In contrast to this, you could look at incorporating large potted plants to truly make a statement.

Alternatively, edging your boards with a slightly more discreet long, narrow planter is a fantastic way to decorate your decking area. This way, you create a rich, textured perimeter, helping your decking feel more like an outdoor room. Pairing planting with outdoor furniture and decor can help to elevate the space into a perfect outdoor retreat.

Low Maintenance Plants

Succulents are a fantastic low maintenance option for growing plants on top of your decking. They respond well to high temperatures and can be easily housed in one planter. Certain succulents do not even need to be watered too regularly, meaning you can avoid time-consuming clearing of your deck should there be any spillages.

Additionally, one of the more functional planting themes you can implement into your decking project are ornamental grasses. These are relatively easy to grow and still thrive in both shaded and sunny patches of your garden. Not only this, but they offer a different look and feel when compared to the usual suspects: lavender and fuchsias plants.

plants on decking
decking plant ideas

Which Colour Plants Should You Use?

If you want to be more ambitious with your plants, thankfully there are plenty of trendy, voguish colour selections that act as an effortless way to make both your decking and planting themes stand out. Red, orange and purples plants are currently incredibly popular; “sunset colours” or “jewel colours” that imbibe garden spaces with a positive, summery aesthetic. These red, orange, and purple plants contrast best with neutral coloured decking, such as our antique deck boards.

Red and orange freesias are a bright, colourful addition to any garden space, particularly in the summer and in the warmer months. Purple chrysanthemums can also add a rich, vibrant, and contrast beautifully with the deep greens of grass. If you a struggling to think of what plants to use, really it is about creating a sense of balance whatever colours you choose. If you have darker decking, consider using lighter plants and vice versa.

What Decking Is Best To Use With A Lot Of Surrounding Plants?

Whilst our Essential and Classic boards are still fantastic options for transforming your garden space, our Deluxe and Advanced boards are especially low maintenance for planting themes. Due to their capped surface, these deck boards have an easy clean finish and are stain resistant, making them the perfect choice for any decking with any planting on top of or around it. Composite material is weatherproof, which avoids the premature warping or rotting that may affect a timber deck after regular watering or rainfall.

Surrounding your decking with planting creates a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere. We feel taking care of your decking should be similarly stress free. When cleaning decking, spilled soil and potential discolouration can be a huge headache to consider. Capped composite decking acts as a low maintenance solution, meaning you have far more time to enjoy your new planting theme rather than labouring to regularly clean your deck area.

plants on decking

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